How Order Management System Streamlines your Dairy Business?

Order management is a crucial part of a business and can easily become overwhelming for businesses to fulfil orders and give consistent headaches.

If you are facing challenges managing orders manually, here are some troubleshooting solutions to resolve them. We’ll also discuss how we can help you in implementing these solutions. 


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Order management techniques to help resolve your issues

With increasing order numbers, you and your team might feel overwhelmed while managing the orders manually. 

Automated future stock insights 

Automated future stock insights remove the chance of human errors caused by cycle counting. The data ensures that you never run out of stock. As the shortage of products can cause issues in the order fulfilment process it also decreases the customer satisfaction score. Having precise stock data prevents spoilage of the product due to excess in number. Also having inventory records in a system prevent cases of fraudulence. 

Easing order placement and modification process

Customers should be able to place and modify their orders on their own. Businesses and delivery persons are to be notified directly on their phones or system. This increases the consumer experience and reduces the churn rate. Such a process of easy order placement and modification will bring the chances of human error to nil. This will also prevent delivery persons from delivering wrong orders and the wastage of products cutting-off delivery costs.   

ravi garg, dairytechai, future stock, order summary, fulfillment, insights, order modification, process

On-demand order fulfilment

Businesses notified about on-demand orders on time have more chances of fulfilling the orders on time. Some of the products might need time to prepare or are stocked out and can not be fulfilled at the moment. Businesses should be able to receive these orders on time so that they have time to procure the stock for delivery. This will not only keep you at ease about the order received but also provide hassle-free ordering to your customers. This will eventually lead to a higher customer satisfaction score.  

Automated order summary

The system should generate an automated order summary that is accessible on screens to both businesses and customers. System-generated order summary removes human errors while increasing transparency between the customer and businesses. As the data fetched is precise, it prevents customer disputes over-invoicing. This promotes healthy customer-business relationships and gives customers a good consumer experience. 

Real-time order status updates

Real-time order status with an estimated time of arrival keeps both customers and businesses assured about the order delivery. Customers should be in direct communication with the delivery person and can be in contact in case of any delivery issue. This will also keep businesses content about the delivery being delivered rightly. An accurately delivered order leads to lesser customer queries and requires less staff to manage them, helping cut costs. Transparency and right communication help in building trust in customers and increases customer satisfaction cost.   

Automating the order management process will help in streamlining the whole process and increasing the efficiency of the business. These solutions might seem too far to be achieved practically however, they are not.

If you are interested in learning more about order management and what we can offer: Request a demo